1 | 九龙的那处叫做尖沙咀的地区的确是这样。那里设有展示表演艺术的文化中心、博物馆和堪与拉斯韦加斯媲美的霓虹灯、星罗棋布的旅游宾馆,以及最近开业的好莱坞星座。 | Surely that is true in the area of kowloon called Tsimshatui, with its Cultural Centre for performing arts, museums, neon that rivals Las Vegas, a profusion of tourist hotels and the recently opened Planet Hollywood | |
2 | 据报告该地区发生了时疫,政府当局立即把医生和医药用品空运进去。 | The government authorities immediately flew in doctors and medical supplies in response to an epidemic reported in the area | |
3 | 据一九八五年的调查,该地区有二百三十个养鸡场。 | At the 1985 census there were 230 chicken farms in the area . | |
4 | 飓风给这一地区许多人带来很大灾难。 | The hurricane was a great misfortune for many people in the area . | |
5 | 科学家们认为,这样慢的速度可以解释为什么在这一地区火山喷发并不频繁。 | Scientists suspect that this slow rate explains why eruptions occur infrequently in the area | |
6 | 可以认为,这一岩画遗址是该地区不同文化在不同年代中的雕刻记载。 | It can be said the rock pictures are a carving album of the history of the various civilizations in the area through the ages. | |
7 | 利弗莫尔美国加利福尼亚州西部的一城市,位于奥克兰东南偏东部。这一地区有葡萄园。人口56, | A city of western California east-southeast of Oakland.There are wineries in the area .Population,56,741. | |
8 | 联合国在该地区驻有军队. | The United Nations maintains a military presence in the area . | |
9 | 那座现代的办公楼直挺挺地竖在那片旧建筑物群中十分扎眼. | The modern office block sticks out like a sore thumb among the old buildings in the area . | |
10 | 你再来这一地区时请给我们打个电话。 | Please give us a ring when you’re in the area again. | |
11 | 前瞻性经济规划领域内区域组织工作协调会议 | Meeting to Coordinate the Work of Regional Organizations in the Area of Forward Economic Planning | |
12 | 请查阅黄页电话号码薄,那上面刊登着这一地区所有服务行业的电话号码。 | Please consult the "Yellow Pages", which lists all the services in the area . | |
13 | 去年夏季我在P&G广告公司实习,主要协助销售员进行调查、统计、预测及推广工作。 | Last summer, I served as an advertising intern for P & G Associations. There, I assisted the sales staff in the area of research, demographics, sales forecasts and promotion. | |
14 | 全村的人都匆匆逃走了,可能是因为恐怖分子到达了该地区。 | The village had been hurriedly deserted, perhaps because terrorists were in the area . | |
15 | 全村人都匆匆逃走了,或许因为该地区有恐怖分子. | The village had been hurriedly deserted,perhaps because terrorists were in the area . | |
16 | 人和狗在嗅觉方面的比较很有趣。 | There are some interesting comparisons between humans and dogs in the area of smelling. | |
17 | 认识到最不发达国家在市场准入方面的特定需要,在此方面继续给予优惠准入仍是改善它们贸易机会的一种必要手段 | Recognizing the specific needs of the least-developed countries in the area of market access where continued preferential access remains an essential means for improving their trading opportunities | |
18 | 如果你非常讨厌塞车,那很可能你需要更多一点的耐心。 | If you absolutely hate getting stuck in traffic, chances are that you need a little work in the area of patience. | |
19 | 如果你在房子左面填上墨水,你的画看上去会更好一点。 | Your drawing would look better if you were to ink in the area to the left of the house | |
20 | 湿疣长在皮肤或粘膜处的疣状物,通常生于肛门或外生殖器处 | A wartlike growth on the skin or mucous membrane,usually in the area of the anus or external genitalia. | |
21 | 使用农药的一个大问题是:大多数农药是喷洒在作物上。风常常把农药吹到别的农场。 | A major problem with pesticides is that most of them are sprayed on crops. Winds often carry them to other farms in the area . | |
22 | 市、县工商行政管理局负责本辖区内本条例第六条和第七条所列公司以外的其他公司的登记 | The administration for industry and commerce at the level of a municipality or a county is responsible for registration of the companies in the area under its respective jurisdiction other than those listed in Article 6 and Article 7 of these Regulations | |
23 | 首先要进行基础设施的建设。现在,我们已经把国家的投资大量向西部地区倾斜 | What is needed, first of all, is the building of infrastructure facilities there, and it is in view of that urgent need that we have now decided to concentrate much of the State investment in the area | |
24 | 舒适的城堡旅馆建在史诗般的景色之中,而它的位置可以让你无比惬意地步行游览附近地区。 | Set in this epic landscape, the comfortable Grand Chateau is convenient for all the walks in the area | |
25 | 虽然家用纺织品比服装有较少的变化,但即使家用纺织品织物,也由于每一块织物的使用环境和所处地方的差异而有许多变化。 | There are more variables in the area of wearing apparel than in household items. But even in the use of household fabrics there are many variables due to individual differences in use and locations. | |
26 | 他对该地的植物进行了慎密的研究。 | He made a rigorous study of the plants in the area . | |
27 | 他们邀请我们将来到那里时去他们家做客. | We have a standing invitation to visit them when we’re in the area . | |
28 | 他在磨坊左边的空白处用墨水添了几棵矮树。 | He inked in the area to the left of the mill with some bushes | |
29 | 它是该地区的唯一的一本文学杂志。 | It is the only literary magazine in the area . | |
30 | 太行山庞炳勋集团军是受命专门反共的,安徽和湖北的国民党军队亦是受命反共的。 | Pang Ping-hsun’s group army in the area of the Taihang Mountains is under orders to concentrate exclusively on the Communists; so are the Kuomintang troops in anhwei and Hupeh |